Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I came across a great quote today:

"We shape our church buildings. Then our church buildings shape us."

Believe it or not, I'm not going to say anything about that (just yet), but I'd love to hear what you think of that quote!


  1. I don't get it. I'm not an architect, Scott.


  2. While in Europe, I couldn't help but notice that the cathedrials, which probably seemed like a great idea when they were built, were for the most part dirty and neglected on the outside, and empty on the inside...

  3. Rich and I were in Europe this summer, too, and had the privilege of visiting some beautiful churches and cathedrals. While many were "dirty" on the outside due to age and pollution and the ravages of war, I found the insides beautiful and spiritually inspiring. To me, building a beautiful place to worship to God is one way to show God that we want to give Him our best and to make His house of worship special and holy. In the Bible, the faithful felt strongly about having a special place to worship God as well. Some of those cathedrals and churches shaped some outstanding theologians over the centuries. Our churches today can do the same thing, whether they are in ornate buildings or in school cafeterias.

  4. I guess for me, the emerging truth is that our loyalty to Christ should be what shapes us. Nothing else.

    The hard reality is that those amazing, moving, sacred cathedrals of Europe TOTALLY failed to shape the people of God for the Mission of God. The buildings were beautiful but impotent. And today those cathedrals stand largely vacant as testiments to our idolatry.

    I am learning at the Launch that the church is best understood as a movement. Not as a building.

    I believe we are stronger because we are being shaped by what we do rather than by the building we do it in.
