Friday, August 8, 2008

Do less to do more

Heard a great challenge this morning.
One of the most important decisions a church makes is deciding what it needs to STOP doing. What are we pouring our resources of time, money, and energy into that prevent us from being able to do the outrageous things God might be asking us to do?

To ask it another way, what are our sacred cows? What are the things that we hold sacred (because we've always done them, because they help in some way, because we can't imagine NOT doing them) that really aren't sacred? Because those sacred cows VERY often keep us from being able to reshift our focus and our effort towards the new things that God might be inviting us to attempt.

There is a growing body of research indicating that succesful churches have a LASER SHARP FOCUS. Let me define successful: It means successfully connecting people who are far from God with the embrace of Jesus. It means successfully growing people in maturity in their faith. It means successfully moving people along the journey of discipleship. It means equipping and releasing people to ministry in the world in the way God has called them.

Churches that are successfully doing those things are churches that have a laser sharp focus.

Here's the point. You don't have a laser sharp focus by trying to do everything.

So what do we need to stop doing in order to be able to live the BIG things God has in mind?


  1. Its an IPOD compared to a Creative. One button compared to seven buttons.

  2. Hi Scott! A bunch of us at Wycliffe also attended the Summit via satellite in Orlando. Are you going to blog on the entire experience? Last year, I wrote a "top ten" take-aways and will do the same, tho' I missed most of Thursday. I'm a big fan of Gary and IJM so I've heard most of it before. Anyway, wanted to say hi.
