Thursday, May 15, 2008

dearly beloved...

I've got the incredible privilege of performing the wedding for my dear friend Sarah this weekend. Here's what I love about weddings. In Genesis it talks about the two becoming one. In Jewish tradition, the most sacred and important prayer has a line that says, "The Lord our God, the Lord is one." That word "ONE" is the same word used in Genesis to describe what a man and a woman become. ONE. Then in the gospels, its written that Jesus is praying to his Father, praying for his followers, for us, and he prays, "May they be ONE as you (God) and I (Jesus) are one."

Think about that. We believe that God exists as a single diety, in three persons. The trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three in one. But the key word is ONE. God is one. The relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is so close, so connected, so intimate, so completely united, that really the only word to describe it is ONE.

That's what happens in a wedding. The two become one. In theory they become so completely connected, so united, so intimate, so close, that the best word to describe them is ONE.

Rob Bell talks about this and says that God designed marriage to be a picture, a window, a reflection of something deeper. God intended marriage to show us how God desires to be connected to us.

I can't wait to watch Tim and Sarah look at each other as they say their vows. Because I know what I'll be seeing is the way God looks at me. And you.

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