Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Launch Blast - February 21st

I have to admit, I'm dancing on the inside watching the snow melt. (Just be glad I'm not dancing on the outside).

Anyway, hope you are having a good week. If you missed it last Sunday, we heard from Dr. Sue Makin who has spent the last 11 years in Mulanje, Malawi which is right in the same neighborhood as the village that our Meet Malawi Team is partnering with. Sue had some great things to say and I was dancing on the inside again when she quoted one of my favorite verses: John 20:21 "As the Father has sent me, I also send you."

The honest truth is that life is complicated and fast paced and stressful. Sometimes its all we can do to just keep our heads above water. But somehow in the midst of that, there remains this deep underlying truth about our lives. We are SENT. Just as Jesus was sent to the world, WE ARE SENT to the world. Maybe the trick isn't trying to add MORE to our already crazy lives. Maybe the trick is to add SENT-NESS to the things we are already doing.

This week, I hope you can find a way to weave your calling (as a SENT one of Jesus) into the daily routines and places of your life! I challenge you to spend some time thinking about what that might look like for you! If you really want to get crazy, maybe even trying praying about how you might live SENT!

And in so doing, may you find PEACE (which is what Jesus gives right before sending in the above verse: "Peace be with you.")

Hey, don't forget - we've got the annual meeting on Sunday at 10:05 am. It'll be short. We won't have the normal reports or presentations. Just a quick run through of the official business (which is the approval of pastoral terms of call). But please don't let the brevity of the meeting lead you to think it's not important. Don't worry, we'll have the coffee ready to go!

Oh yeah - one other thing: We are mixing everything up in worship on Sunday. Everybody is doing something different! You don't want to miss this! I promise.

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