Monday, December 14, 2009

The GIVE Blog

Yesterday at the Launch we got to hear from Scott and Suja. They are an amazing couple with an inspiring story. Suja and Scott shared about their passion for giving and told us about the GIVE Blog that they have started as a means for encouraging people to give more. I personally was blown away by their goal to give away 30% of their gross income. What an amazing example of extravagant generosity!

I was also captivated by the challenge currently being put forward by Scott and Suja on the Give Blog. For every donation, up to $100, made by new donors to one of 5 charities, Suja and Scott will match it. They will match up to $10,000 for each of the 5 charities. Their goal is to inspire up to $50,000 in new giving which they will then match with $50,000 of their own. What a huge impact that could have on those 5 charities.

There are also great links to all kinds of stories and resources about giving. There is even a blog post written by Christy Hurt that mentions our church and the Advent Conspiracy.

If you want to know more about The Give Blog, you can get there by clicking here: Give Blog


  1. Love this. Are the Give Blog folks local?

  2. Ok. I figured out the answer to my question above. Thank you.
