Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advent Conspiracy Starts Here...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
We started the Advent Conspiracy on Sunday. This year's theme is Simply Deep. It expresses our sense that the deepest, most meaningful aspects of the Christmas story are wound up in some of the simplest aspects of the story. It is a story that is simply deep. At the same time, sometimes what keeps us from really seeing and experiencing those deep truths is the lack of simplicity in our lives. Clutter distracts us from the deep.

The messages for the 4 weeks of Advent will all build on each other somewhat. So if you missed it this past Sunday, you can click on the link below and a player will open allowing you to listen to the message.

One great reason to listen is so that you can hear about this year's Advent Conspiracy Offering which will again be going to our Meet Malawi Project. We've got a crazy big, God sized goal this year and we hope you'll consider being a part of it. We think it's a phenomenal way to tell a better story this Christmas!

Here's the link: AC Sermon #1

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