Monday, June 16, 2008

How did you worship???

Missed ya'll on Sunday. But I hope you took us up on the challenge to find a way to worship in public outside the church walls. It was great to see many of you at the Downtown Campus, where I had the chance to preach. But I'm really excited to hear whatelse some of you did.

So, click on the little "comments" word below and tell us what you were up to this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott,

    We missed seeing everyone at church on the 15th too. Our family had an opportunity to go to Chicago for a few days that week, so we decided to travel on Sunday. During the trip, we talked about some of the things the kids should observe while in the city. We saw a few people who were obviously homeless, but we saw many more street performers and were approached several times by people collecting for charities. We decided to use our offering to give to those people . . no questions asked. The smiles and thank you's that we received in return were awesome. The boys were especially intrigued by a group of kids who were drumming on large paint buckets. They put on quite a performance and challenged Joe to keep working on his music. We also observed that many people just walk by and ignore those on the street (I'm guilty of this too!). Believe me, it was much more fun to give them a couple of bucks and pray that God would help the people use the money wisely.

    Looking forward to seeing you back at church on Sunday.

