So, I've biked into work twice this week. Woulda been 3 if not for rain.
And let me just say that Champaign is woefully lacking in bike friendly shoulder space on roads. I usually end up on the sidewalk because riding on the streets is not far removed from russian roulette.
Had an interesting experience on the way home today. Got caught at the traffic light on Kirby and Mattis. And there was this girl, also on a bike, sitting at the light as well. We're both riding on the same sidewalk. She was there first, so I obviously let her cross ahead of me.
Awkwardly, we are both going the same direction. And going about the same speed.
I begin to notice that she's looking back at me frequently. Not in a "he's kind of cute" kind of way, but in more of a "I think this guy might be stalking me" kind of way. As I'm trying to slow down and eliminate the freaky stalker vibe, she suddenly veers out into the road and crosses to the other side.
Which creates a whole new awkwardness. Now we are biking side by side on opposite sides of the street. And still going roughly the same speed.
At that point, all I can say is that instinct kicked in. It was like 2 cars at the stop light both revving their engines. I mean, there is just no way, NO WAY, I'm letting this girl beat me down the road. I kick it into low gear and crank it down the sidewalk for a full block. I'm fighting the temptation to look over and see how I'm doing. But finally I take a little peak. She's nowhere to be seen. She must have turned off on a side street almost immediately.
All I can say is, thank goodness, because one more block at that speed and I might've passed out.
All of which is to say you see a bike on the road and there isn't much shoulder, give em a brake. It might be your pastor!
I tried biking to work once last year and I feared for my life the entire time. Especially on the parts of State street with no sidewalk.
ReplyDeleteSuper awkward riding at the same speed! Going for the win is a good solution.