Monday, April 13, 2009

Three Great Statements

The Great Commission: "Go and make disciples" - Jesus
The Great Commandment: "Love God and Love Neighbor" - Jesus
The Great Commitment: "Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me daily." - Jesus

I keep running across tri-fold expressions that make simple but profound summaries of who we are called to be as a community of Christ followers. I read the above 3 in a sermon by Darryl Johnson recently.

What do you think of the above 3 statements as summarizing the PURPOSE of the CHURCH???

FYI...I preached on the 3rd statement this past Sunday. (You can listen to it here on my blog - right column)


  1. Darryl Johnson? Our pastor in the Philippines was named that (I think he was Presbyterian) before he headed back to the States! Any chance he's that same guy? Man, he'd have to be in his 60s or 70s now though.
    I'd say those three pretty much sum it up! Could you even simplify it more by combining them to say: Go out, denying yourself and love God & others more.
    Or does that lose some meaning in the simplification? :-)

  2. I think if you work on the 2nd one (Love God and Others), the other 2 fall into place.
